Donate a WakaWaka Solar Light!

Ghana is in the middle of an electricity crisis! Many are experiencing hardship as a result, including our children. If there is no electricity, no light in the evenings, they can not do their homework which leads to poor results at school. We now have a wonderful solution for them!! The Wakawaka Solar light. When fully charged it provides 80 hours of light!
Waka Waka offers a ‘Buy One = Give One' opportunity for To Be Worldwide. If a Waka Waka Power (a very useful combined Solar light and mobile phone charger) is bought, Waka Waka donates a Solar light to one of our children in Ghana.
With the Waka Waka Power you will never be without light or an opportunity to charge your phone. Great for holiday's or simply a great present !!! An absolute win-win situation.
The Waka Waka Power is available in Black, White or our very own To Be Worldwide Yellow, for the price of € 69.- euro's. It is packaged in a fun 100% recycled PC-ABS and is high impact resistant!
Have we arroused your interest! Great!, Please fill in the donation form which you can find here.