To Be Worldwide Adult Literacy Course
To Be Worldwide in cooperation with the Ghanaian Department for Non- Formal Education and with support from the SK Foundation has been running an Adult Literacy class for nearly a year now. It is so fulfilling to see how it is making a difference in the lives of the participants.
Mrs. Margaret Wojeo of the Non-Formal Education department runs regular evaluations of the program and supplies us with the much needed support to fine tune our efforts. We are very grateful for her input.
To Be Worldwide in cooperation with the Ghanaian Department for Non-Formal Education and with support from the SK Foundation has been running an Adult Literacy class for nearly a year now. It is so fulfilling to see how it is making a difference in the lives of the participants. It has already enhanced a participant’s personal development. He no longer has to put his thumb printing on documents but can now sign his name. Others are being held in high esteem by non-participants and another example is something we take for granted, having learned numeracy a participant can now use the mobile phone not only to receive calls but to call himself by dialling numbers. Mrs. Margaret Wojeo of the Non-Formal Education department runs regular evaluations of the program and supplies us with the much needed support to fine tune our efforts. We are very grateful for her input. It is great pride that we can announce that two of our learners entered a regional examination course andÂ
 won 1st and 3rd place. The 1st place (Ms. Augustina Barnes) was awarded a wireless stereo set and the 3rd place (Ms. Regina Awumey ) was awarded a bicycle. We will soon run a similar Adult Literacy course at our Cape Coast Educational Resource Centre.