Focusspecs at Takoradi Centre
We had the privilege of testing The Focusspecs, developed by the Dutch organization Focus on Vision, at our Centre in Takoradi. The spectacle can be adjusted by the individual user to correct his or her personal refractive error. Children were invited from the surrounding schools to come in and have their eyes tested. Those who needed spectacles received them from the team. We wish to continue these screenings in 2011 and provide children with spectacles who need them.
Too many children are sitting in the back of a classroom not seeing and not realising something can be done about it. With the experience of the screening and a network of eye specialists and producer of the spectacles, we were  able to enter in to a partnership with Tullow Oil (one of the leading oil companies instrumental in finding oil in Ghana).
We facilitated the 'Eye Care Team' that participated in the Tullow 'Health Screening Initiative' in the communities were they extract oil. responsibility. We hope our cooperation with Tullow Oil will yield further local support in the future.The Dutch organization Focus on Vision has developed a spectacle that can be adjusted by the individual user to correct his personal refractive error, The Focusspec. The variable lens is based on a lens principle that consists of two lenses with special determined form. Its corrective (cylindrical) power changes when the lenses are moved in opposite directions. We had the privilege of having the spectacles tested for children at our Centre. Dorine Poelhekke and Rianne Houba, students of the Technical Universite Delft in the Netherlands, created a whole testing environment with an Ophthalmologist Dr. Samuel Kusi at our Centre in Takoradi.Children were invited from the surrounding schools to come in and have their eyes tested. Those who needed spectacles received them from the team. Children were also ask to keep a diary of their experiences now that they could see better. The team was also looking for feedback on design, usability and comfort of the spectacles.
It is our wish to continue these screenings in 2011 and provide children with spectacles who need them. Too many children are sitting in the back of a classroom not seeing and not realising something can be done about it.
With the experience of the screening and a network of eye specialists and the producer of the spectacles, To Be Worldwide was able to enter into a partnership with Tullow Oil (one of the leading oil companies, instrumental in finding oil in Ghana). Tullow Oil was organizing a 'Health Screening Initiative', in the communities were they extract, oil as part of their corporate social responsibility. From all the medical disciplines that were present, the Eye Care Team, facilitated by To Be Worldwide was very, if not the most popular. We hope our cooperation with Tullow Oil will yield further local support in the future.