• bookshelf wide
  • certificate wide
  • computers wide
  • eyes wide
  • kids1 wide
  • kids2 wide
  • library1 wide
  • library2 wide
  • window wide

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Name Publicatieplicht ANBI 2021
Description No description available.
File name Standaardform pubplicht ANBI 2021.pdf
Size 253.5 KB
File type pdf (Mime type application/pdf)
Owner Nellie Kirschner
Date added 31/07/2022 16:43:01
Hits 2645
Last modified on 01/07/2024 12:28:56
MD5 checksum e8a9812ab1e0823322343ce0606e01cc


Stichting To Be Worldwide - Herengracht 392 - 1016 CJ Amsterdam  The Netherlands - + 31 6 5323 5888 - info@tobeworldwide.org
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